The sky is falling (or is the moon waxing?)

I’ve been teasing my 24 year old daughter about how it’s her generation who contributed to the demise of the

  • record/CD music stores
  • movie rental stores
  • land-lines in every home
  • bookstores (and Harry Potter)
  • newspapers (and the paper boy)
  • and just tonight, NASA’s Space Shuttle Program

But really, it’s our generation. I was lured by the technology tease and motivated by self-centered convenience to 

  • purchase songs on iTunes
  • cut back bills by having one cell phone bill
  • browse and purchase books on Kindle
  • read the news on my home page of the BBC
  • and the paper boy, well, I haven’t seen him since his last collection at my mom’s house more than 20 years ago. (He must be fifty or sixty years old by now and wondering the same thing tonight)
  • and I’ve never mailed in a donation to any organization turned off by self-inflicted fear of a scam or ill use of my monies

But maybe the sky is not falling. Perhaps if I switch to a high-powered egocentric lens (I know, refreshing, right?), I can look these changes from the source of the light:

  • I would probably buy oldies like Old Man by Neil Young on iTunes than if I saw it in a used gift shop as a record or CD
  • I do read more now than ever with my Kindle
  • I am more current with current events than I have ever been in my entire life
  • and even though I have yet to find an organization worth contributing to, I am more aware of a wide variety of organizations out there who seem to have good causes worth supporting, one day…

So, Foxy Loxy, don’t try to trick me into another bout of depression. The world is spinning and changing, but not at a faster rate than the generation before us.

2 responses to “The sky is falling (or is the moon waxing?)

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